We offer maintenance for gardens of every size and style during every season. This can include weeding, trimming, pruning, spraying, fertilizing, deadheading, and plantings. Our attention to detail surpasses a traditional landscape team bringing beauty and health to your property. Seasonal services play an important part of Pennsylvania gardens and we have you covered each month from early March clean ups to winterizing the garden beds in December. We specialize in seasonal containers, plantings, and decor, bringing beauty throughout the entire year to your home. Learn what it feels like to have professional personal gardeners who truly love your garden as much as you do.
Expert Pruning
Containers & Window Boxes
Garden Maintenance
Consultations and Installations
Spring and Fall Clean Ups
Specialized Service
Check to see what services we offer during each season:
Spring Services
Spring Containers
Cut Back Liriope and Grasses
Planting Shrubs
and Perennials
Leaf Clean Out
Removal of Fallen Sticks
and Branches
Raking/Cleaning Up
Winter Debris
Summer Services
Summer Containers
Planting Annuals
Cut Back Spring Perennials
Fall Services
Fall Containers
Leaf Removal
Cut Back Summer Perennials
Plant Bulbs
Plant Mums, Cabbage,
and Pansies
Remove Spent Annuals
Winter Services
Winter Containers
Holiday Decor
Deer Netting on Shrubs
Wrap Crape Myrtles
Cut Back Ornamental Grasses
Wilt-Pruf Shrubs
Leaf Removal
Cut Back Fall Perennials